Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Module 11_Communication_Assessment

Module 11_Communication_Assessment

Q Module 11 Communication Assessment: Forgiveness-Granting Strategies Presented here is a list of behaviors a person might use to respond to someone seeking forgiveness. To what extent do you use each strategy? Rate each one on a scale ranging from 0 to 7, where 0 = never use and 7 = use extensively.

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___6__ 1. I touch my partner in a way that communicates forgiveness. ___5___ 2. I say I would forgive my partner if the offense never happened again. __4___ 3. I tell my partner it was no big deal. ___1__ 4. I initiate discussion about the offense. __5___ 5. I put what happened aside so that we can resume our relationship. ___5__ 6. The expression on my face says, “I forgive you.” ___5__ 7. I say I would forgive my partner only if things changed.